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发布者:宁德变压器厂    发布时间:2018-07-24
Transport and acceptance of the transformer
    1 Transportation
    1) adapter from the manufacturer to the user, can be adapted to local conditions to use the train, car or ship transport.
    2) distribution transformers are generally filled with oil the overall transport, and its casing, switch accessories, storage cabinets, etc. do not have to be removed. Medium-sized transformer can also be nitrogen transport, heat sink, storage cabinets, casing, oil purifier, switch attachments demolition prior to packing, installation, re-assembled. Sufficient nitrogen transport is to put this body of transformer oil (leave a small portion of oil), nitrogen filling, full surveillance by the pressure gauge (as found below the requirements should be promptly added nitrogen). Let go of nitrogen and injected back into the transformer oil.
    3) Transportation and installation process, lifting the transformer tank wall hanging climbing, hanging climbing can withstand the total weight of the assembly after the oil filled transformer. Rings only on the lid when lifting the body of the lifting wire rope and vertical angle of not greater than 30 °. Otherwise it should be a dedicated beam lifting transformer.
    4) during handling and transport, there should be no impact or severe vibration conditions. Use of mechanical traction, pulling the focus should be below the transformer center of gravity to prevent the dumping. Transportation tilt angle not greater than 15 °. No side in order to do in order to reinforce measures to prevent internal structural deformation movement speed in order to reduce transformer vibration principle, should not be too hasty. Loading and unloading should be to prevent the vehicle spring force or vessel buoyancy caused transformer dumping.
    (2) acceptance and storage
    1) received transformer should immediately whether the nameplate check the specifications consistent with the desired, followed by checking the products and accessories are complete, and check whether the transformer oil spill, oil leakage phenomenon, vulnerable parts such as casing, oil meter, signal thermometers, moisture and other damage.
    2) transformer, if not immediately install and put into operation and need long-term storage must be packed in the shipping box, remove the reservoir refused breathers. And oiling to the temperature of the oil surface line. Transformer booster cushion to prevent flooding. All seals should be sealed transformers in the custody of the check once every three months to check for oil leakage, oil level is normal appearance with or without corrosion; and every six months, check the oil dielectric strength.










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